


Kshitij Kumar Yadav, Cuccia, Nicholas L. , Virot, Emmanuel , Rubinstein, Shmuel M. , and Gerasimidis, Simos . 2/4/2021. A Nondestructive Technique For The Evaluation Of Thin Cylindrical Shells' Axial Buckling Capacity. Journal Of Applied Mechanics, 88, 5, Pp. 051003. Publisher's Version
The axial buckling capacity of a thin cylindrical shell depends on the shape and the size of the imperfections that are present in it. Therefore, the prediction of the shells buckling capacity is difficult, expensive, and time consuming, if not impossible, because the prediction requires a priori knowledge about the imperfections. As a result, thin cylindrical shells are designed conservatively using the knockdown factor approach that accommodates the uncertainties associated with the imperfections that are present in the shells; almost all the design codes follow this approach explicitly or implicitly. A novel procedure is proposed for the accurate prediction of the axial buckling capacity of thin cylindrical shells without measuring the imperfections and is based on the probing of the axially loaded shells. Computational and experimental implementation of the procedure yields accurate results when the probing is done in location of highest imperfection amplitude. However, the procedure overpredicts the capacity when the probing is done away from that point. This study demonstrates the crucial role played by the probing location and shows that the prediction of imperfect cylinders is possible if the probing is done at the proper location.
Optical  fluorescencemicroscopy  is  shown  to  enable  both  highspatial  and  temporal  resolution  of  redox-dependent  fluorescencein  flowing  electrolytes.  We  report  the  use  of  fluorescence  micro-scopy coupled with electrochemistry to directly observe the reac-tion and transport of redox-active quinones within porous carbonelectrodesin  operando.  We  observe  surprising  electrolyte  chan-neling features within several porous electrodes, leading to spatiallydistinguishable  advection-dominated  and  diffusion-dominated  re-gions. These results challenge the common assumption that trans-port in porous electrodes can be approximated by a homogeneousDarcy-like permeability, particularly at the length scales relevant tomany  electrochemical  systems  such  as  redox  flow  batteries.  Thiswork  presents  a  new  platform  to  provide  highly  resolved  spatialand   temporal   insight   into   electrolyte   reactions   and   transportbehavior within porous electrodes.
Jovana Andrejevic, Lee, Lisa M. , Rubinstein, Shmuel M. , and Rycroft, Chris H. . 3/5/2021. A Model For The Fragmentation Kinetics Of Crumpled Thin Sheets. Nature Communications, 12, Pp. 1470. Publisher's Version
As a confined thin sheet crumples, it spontaneously segments into flat facets delimited by a network of ridges. Despite the apparent disorder of this process, statistical properties of crumpled sheets exhibit striking reproducibility. Experiments have shown that the total crease length accrues logarithmically when repeatedly compacting and unfolding a sheet of paper. Here, we offer insight to this unexpected result by exploring the correspondence between crumpling and fragmentation processes. We identify a physical model for the evolution of facet area and ridge length distributions of crumpled sheets, and propose a mechanism for re-fragmentation driven by geometric frustration. This mechanism establishes a feedback loop in which the facet size distribution informs the subsequent rate of fragmentation under repeated confinement, thereby producing a new size distribution. We then demonstrate the capacity of this model to reproduce the characteristic logarithmic scaling of total crease length, thereby supplying a missing physical basis for the observed phenomenon.
Rodolfo Ostilla-Mónico, McKeown, Ryan , Brenner, Michael P. , Rubinstein, Shmuel M. , and Pumir, Alain . 7/2021. Cascades And Reconnection In Interacting Vortex Filaments. Physical Review Fluids, 6, 7, Pp. 074701. Publisher's Version
The reconnection of two interacting vortex tubes is a fundamental process in fluid mechanics, which, at very high Reynolds numbers, is associated with the formation of intense velocity gradients. Reconnection is usually studied using two antiparallel tubes which are destabilized via the long-wavelength Crow instability, leading to a very symmetric configuration and to a strong flattening of the cores into thin sheets. Here, we consider the interaction of two initially straight tubes at an angle of β and show that by relaxing some symmetries of the problem, a rich phenomenology appears. When the angle between the two tubes is close to β=90∘, their interaction leads to pairing of small portions of antiparallel tubes, followed by the formation of thin and localized vortex sheets as a precursor of reconnection. The subsequent breakdown of these sheets involves a twisting of the paired sheets, followed by the appearance of a localized cloud of small-scale vortex structures. By decreasing β, we show that reconnection involves increasingly larger portions of tubes, whose cores are subsequently destabilizing, leaving behind more small-scale vortices. At the smallest values of the angle β studied, the two vortices break down through a mechanism, which leads to a cascadelike process of energy conveyance across length scales similar to what was found for previous studies of antiparallel vortex tubes (β=0) which imposed no symmetries. While, in all cases, the interaction of two vortices depends on the initial condition, the rapid formation of fine-scale vortex structures appears to be a robust feature, possibly universal at very high Reynolds numbers.


The real area of contact of a frictional interface changes rapidly when the normal load is altered, and evolves slowly when the normal load is held constant, aging over time. Traditionally, the total area of contact is considered a proxy for the frictional strength of the interface. Here, we show that the state of a frictional interface is not entirely defined by the total real area of contact but depends on the geometrical nature of that contact as well. We directly visualize an interface between rough elastomers and smooth glass and identify that normal loading and frictional aging evolve the interface differently, even at a single contact level. We introduce a protocol wherein the real area of contact is held constant in time. Under these conditions, the interface is continually evolving; small contacts shrink and large contacts coarsen.
Bingrui Xu, Gu, Zhibo , Liu, Wei , Huo, Peng , Zhou, Yueting , Rubinstein, S. M. , Bazant, M. Z. , Zaltzman, B. , Rubinstein, I. , and Deng, Daosheng . 2020. Electro-Osmotic Instability Of Concentration Enrichment In Curved Geometries For An Aqueous Electrolyte. Physical Review Fluids, 5, 9. doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.5.091701.
We report that an electro-osmotic instability of concentration enrichment in curved geometries for an aqueous electrolyte, as opposed to the well-known one, is initiated exclusively at the enriched interface (anode), rather than at the depleted one (cathode). For this instability, the limitation of an unrealistically high material Peclet number in planar geometry is eliminated by the strong electric field arising from the line charge singularity. In a model setup of concentric circular electrodes, we show by stability analysis, numerical simulation, and experimental visualization that instability occurs at the inner anode, below a critical radius of curvature. The stability criterion is also formulated in terms of a critical electric field and extended to arbitrary (two-dimensional) geometries by conformal mapping. This discovery suggests that transport may be enhanced in processes limited by salt enrichment, such as reverse osmosis, by triggering this instability with needlelike electrodes.
Sam Dillavou and Rubinstein, Shmuel M. . 2020. Shear Controls Frictional Aging By Erasing Memory. Physical Review Letters, 124, 8. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.085502.
We simultaneously measure the static friction and the real area of contact between two solid bodies. These quantities are traditionally considered equivalent, and under static conditions both increase logarithmically in time, a phenomenon coined aging. Here we show that the frictional aging rate is determined by the combination of the aging rate of the real area of contact and two memory-erasure effects that occur when shear is changed (e.g., to measure static friction.) The application of a static shear load accelerates frictional aging while the aging rate of the real area of contact is unaffected. Moreover, a negative static shear-pulling instead of pushing-slows frictional aging, but similarly does not affect the aging of contacts. The origin of this shear effect on aging is geometrical. When shear load is increased, minute relative tilts between the two blocks prematurely erase interfacial memory prior to sliding, negating the effect of aging. Modifying the loading point of the interface eliminates these tilts and as a result frictional aging rate becomes insensitive to shear. We also identify a secondary memory-erasure effect that remains even when all tilts are eliminated and show that this effect can be leveraged to accelerate aging by cycling between two static shear loads.
Ryan McKeown, Ostilla-Monico, Rodolfo , Pumir, Alain , Brenner, Michael P. , and Rubinstein, Shmuel M. . 2020. Turbulence Generation Through An Iterative Cascade Of The Elliptical Instability. Science Advances, 6, 9. doi:10.1126/sciadv.aaz2717. Publisher's Version
The essence of turbulent flow is the conveyance of energy through the formation, interaction, and destruction of eddies over a wide range of spatial scales-from the largest scales where energy is injected down to the smallest scales where it is dissipated through viscosity. Currently, there is no mechanistic framework that captures how the interactions of vortices drive this cascade. We show that iterations of the elliptical instability, arising from the interactions between counter-rotating vortices, lead to the emergence of turbulence. We demonstrate how the nonlinear development of the elliptical instability generates an ordered array of antiparallel secondary filaments. The secondary filaments mutually interact, leading to the formation of even smaller tertiary filaments. In experiments and simulations, we observe two and three iterations of this cascade, respectively. Our observations indicate that the elliptical instability could be one of the fundamental mechanisms by which the turbulent cascade develops.
Man Hu, Wang, Feng , Tao, Qian , Chen, Li , Rubinstein, Shmuel M. , and Deng, Daosheng . 2020. Frozen Patterns Of Impacted Droplets: From Conical Tips To Toroidal Shapes. Physical Review Fluids, 5, 8. doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.5.081601. Publisher's Version
We report frozen ice patterns for the water droplets impacting on a cold substrate through high-speed images. These patterns can be manipulated by several physical parameters (the droplet size, falling height, and substrate temperature), and the scaling analysis has a remarkable agreement with the phase diagram. The observed double-concentric toroidal shape is attributed to the correlation between the impacting dynamics and freezing process, as confirmed by the spatiotemporal evolution of the droplet temperature, the identified timescale associated with the morphology and solidification (t(inn) similar or equal to tau(sol)), and the ice front-advection model. These results for frozen patterns provide insight into the complex interplay of the rapid impacting hydrodynamics, the transient heat transfer, and the intricate solidification process.
Anaïs Abramian, Virot, Emmanuel , Lozano, Emilio , Rubinstein, Shmuel M. , and Schneider, Tobias M.. 11/25/2020. Nondestructive Prediction Of The Buckling Load Of Imperfect Shells. Phys. Rev. Lett., 125, 22, Pp. 225504. Publisher's Version
From soda cans to space rockets, thin-walled cylindrical shells are abundant, offering exceptional load carrying capacity at relatively low weight. However, the actual load at which any shell buckles and collapses is very sensitive to imperceptible defects and cannot be predicted, which challenges the of such structures. Consequently, probabilistic descriptions in terms of empirical design rules are used and designing reliable structures requires the use of conservative strength estimates. We introduce a nonlinear description where finite-amplitude perturbations trigger buckling. Drawing from the analogy between imperfect shells which buckle and imperfect pipe flow which becomes turbulent, we experimentally show that lateral probing of cylindrical shells reveals their strength nondestructively. A new ridge-tracking method is applied to commercial cylinders with a hole showing that when the location where buckling nucleates is known we can accurately predict the buckling load of each individual shell, within ±5%. Our study provides a new promising framework to understand shell buckling, and more generally, imperfection-sensitive instabilities.


Zhibo Gu, Xu, Bingrui , Huo, Peng , Rubinstein, Shmuel M. , Bazant, Martin Z. , and Deng, Daosheng . 2019. Deionization Shock Driven By Electroconvection In A Circular Channel. Physical Review Fluids, 4, 11. doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.4.113701. Publisher's Version
In a circular channel passing overlimiting current (faster than diffusion), transient vortices of bulk electroconvection are observed in a salt-depleted region within the horizontal plane. The spatiotemporal evolution of the salt concentration is directly visualized, revealing the propagation of a deionization shock wave driven by bulk electroconvection up to millimeter scales. This mechanism leads to quantitatively similar dynamics as for deionization shocks in charged porous media, which are driven instead by surface conduction and electro-osmotic flow at micron to nanometer scales. The remarkable generality of deionization shocks under overlimiting current could be used to manipulate ion transport in complex geometries for desalination and water treatment.
John M. Kolinski, Kaviani, Ramin , Hade, Dylan , and Rubinstein, Shmuel M. . 2019. Surfing The Capillary Wave: Wetting Dynamics Beneath An Impacting Drop. Physical Review Fluids, 4, 12. doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.4.123605. Publisher's Version
The initiation of contact between liquid and a dry solid is of great fundamental and practical importance. We experimentally probe the dynamics of wetting that occur when an impacting drop first contacts a dry surface. We show that, initially, wetting is mediated by the formation and growth of nanoscale liquid bridges, binding the liquid to the solid across a thin film of air. As the liquid bridge expands, air accumulates and deforms the liquid-air interface, and a capillary wave forms ahead of the advancing wetting front. This capillary wave regularizes the pressure at the advancing wetting front and explains the anomalously low wetting velocities observed. As the liquid viscosity increases, the wetting front velocity decreases; we propose a phenomenological scaling for the observed decrease of the wetting velocity with liquid viscosity.
Fei Deng, Tsekenis, Georgios , and Rubinstein, Shmuel M. . 2019. Simple Law For Third-Body Friction. Physical Review Letters, 122, 13. Publisher's Version
A key difficulty to understanding friction is that many physical mechanisms contribute simultaneously. Here we investigate third-body frictional dynamics in a model experimental system that eliminates first-body interaction, wear, and fracture, and concentrates on the elastic interaction between sliding blocks and third bodies. We simultaneously visualize the particle motion and measure the global shear force. By systematically increasing the number of foreign particles, we find that the frictional dissipation depends only on the size ratio between surface asperities and the loose particles, irrespective of the particle’s size or the surface’s roughness. When the particles are comparable in size to the surface features, friction increases linearly with the number of particles. For particles smaller than the surface features, friction grows sublinearly with the number of particles. Our findings suggest that matching the size of surface features to the size of potential contaminants may be a good strategy for reliable lubrication.
Many phenomena of interest in nature and industry occur rapidly and are difficult and cost-prohibitive to visualize properly without specialized cameras. Here we describe in detail the Virtual Frame Technique (VFT), a simple, useful, and accessible form of compressed sensing that increases the frame acquisition rate of any camera by several orders of magnitude by leveraging its dynamic range. VFT is a powerful tool for capturing rapid phenomenon where the dynamics facilitate a transition between two states, and are thus binary. The advantages of VFT are demonstrated by examining such dynamics in five physical processes at unprecedented rates and spatial resolution: fracture of an elastic solid, wetting of a solid surface, rapid fingerprint reading, peeling of adhesive tape, and impact of an elastic hemisphere on a hard surface. We show that the performance of the VFT exceeds that of any commercial high speed camera not only in rate of imaging but also in field of view, achieving a 65MHz frame rate at 4MPx resolution. Finally, we discuss the performance of the VFT with several commercially available conventional and high-speed cameras. In principle, modern cell phones can achieve imaging rates of over a million frames per second using the VFT.
Jordan Hoffmann, Bar-Sinai, Yohai , Lee, Lisa , Andrejevic, Jovana , Mishra, Shruti , Rubinstein, Shmuel M. , and Rycroft, Chris H. . 2019. Machine Learning In A Data-Limited Regime: Augmenting Experiments With Synthetic Data Uncovers Order In Crumpled Sheets. Science Advances, 5, 4. Publisher's Version
Machine learning has gained widespread attention as a powerful tool to identify structure in complex, high-dimensional data. However, these techniques are ostensibly inapplicable for experimental systems where data are scarce or expensive to obtain. Here, we introduce a strategy to resolve this impasse by augmenting the experimental dataset with synthetically generated data of a much simpler sister system. Specifically, we study spontaneously emerging local order in crease networks of crumpled thin sheets, a paradigmatic example of spatial complexity, and show that machine learning techniques can be effective even in a data-limited regime. This is achieved by augmenting the scarce experimental dataset with inexhaustible amounts of simulated data of rigid flat-folded sheets, which are simple to simulate and share common statistical properties. This considerably improves the predictive power in a test problem of pattern completion and demonstrates the usefulness of machine learning in bench-top experiments where data are good but scarce.
Lisa Lee, Ryan, John Paul , Lahini, Yoav , Holmes-Cerfon, Miranda , and Rubinstein, Shmuel M. . 2019. Geometric Frustration Induces The Transition Between Rotation And Counterrotation In Swirled Granular Media. Physical Review E, 100, 1. Publisher's Version
Granular material in a swirled container exhibits a curious transition as the number of particles is increased: At low densities, the particle cluster rotates in the same direction as the swirling motion of the container, while at high densities it rotates in the opposite direction. We investigate this phenomenon experimentally and numerically using a corotating reference frame in which the system reaches a statistical steady state. In this steady state, the particles form a cluster whose translational degrees of freedom are stationary, while the individual particles constantly circulate around the cluster’s center of mass, similar to a ball rolling along the wall within a rotating drum. We show that the transition to counterrotation is friction dependent. At high particle densities, frictional effects result in geometric frustration, which prevents particles from cooperatively rolling and spinning. Consequently, the particle cluster rolls like a rigid body with no-slip conditions on the container wall, which necessarily counterrotates around its own axis. Numerical simulations verify that both wall-disk friction and disk-disk friction are critical for inducing counterrotation.
Biofilms are structured communities of bacteria that exhibit complex spatio-temporal dynamics. In liquid media, Bacillus subtilis produces an opaque floating biofilm, or a pellicle. Biofilms are generally associated with an interface, but the ability of Bacillus subtilis to swim means the bacteria are additionally able to reside within the liquid phase. However, due to imaging complications associated with the opacity of pellicles, the extent to which bacteria coexist within the liquid bulk as well as their behavior in the liquid is not well studied. We therefore develop a high-throughput imaging system to image underneath developing pellicles. Here we report a well-defined sequence of developmental events that occurs underneath a growing pellicle. Comparison with bacteria deficient in swimming and chemotaxis suggest that these properties enable collective bacterial swimming within the liquid phase which facilitate faster surface colonization. Furthermore, comparison to bacteria deficient in exopolymeric substances (EPS) suggest that the lack of a surface pellicle prevents further developmental steps from occurring within the liquid phase. Our results reveal a sequence of developmental events during pellicle growth, encompassing adhesion, conversion, growth, maturity, and detachment on the interface, which are synchronized with the bacteria in the liquid bulk increasing in density until the formation of a mature surface pellicle, after which the density of bacteria in the liquid drops.


Simos Gerasimidis, Virot, Emmanuel , Hutchinson, John W, and Rubinstein, Shmuel M. 2018. On Establishing Buckling Knockdowns For Imperfection-Sensitive Shell Structures. Journal Of Applied Mechanics, 85, 9, Pp. 091010. Publisher's Version
This paper investigates issues that have arisen in recent efforts to revise long-standing knockdown factors for elastic shell buckling, which are widely regarded as being overly conservative for well-constructed shells. In particular, this paper focuses on cylindrical shells under axial compression with emphasis on the role of local geometric dimple imperfections and the use of lateral force probes as surrogate imperfections. Local and global buckling loads are identified and related for the two kinds of imperfections. Buckling loads are computed for four sets of relevant boundary conditions revealing a strong dependence of the global buckling load on overall end-rotation constraint when local buckling precedes global buckling. A reasonably complete picture emerges, which should be useful for informing decisions on establishing knockdown factors. Experiments are performed using a lateral probe to study the stability landscape for a cylindrical shell with overall end rotation constrained in the first set of tests and then unconstrained in the second set of tests. The nonlinear buckling behavior of spherical shells under external pressure is also examined for both types of imperfections. The buckling behavior of spherical shells is different in a number of important respects from that of the cylindrical shells, particularly regarding the interplay between local and global buckling and the post-buckling load-carrying capacity. These behavioral differences have bearing on efforts to revise buckling design rules. The present study raises questions about the perspicacity of using probe force imperfections as surrogates for geometric dimple imperfections.
Ryan McKeown, Ostilla-Mónico, Rodolfo , Pumir, Alain , Brenner, Michael P. , and Rubinstein, Shmuel M. 2018. Cascade Leading To The Emergence Of Small Structures In Vortex Ring Collisions. Physical Review Fluids, 3, 12, Pp. 124702. Publisher's Version
When vortex rings collide head-on at high enough Reynolds numbers, they ultimately annihilate through a violent interaction which breaks down their cores into a turbulent cloud. We experimentally show that this very strong interaction, which leads to the production of fluid motion at very fine scales, uncovers direct evidence of an iterative cascade of instabilities in a bulk fluid. When the coherent vortex cores approach each other, they deform into tentlike structures and the mutual strain causes them to locally flatten into extremely thin vortex sheets. These sheets then break down into smaller secondary vortex filaments, which themselves rapidly flatten and break down into even smaller tertiary filaments. By performing numerical simulations of the full Navier-Stokes equations, we also resolve one iteration of this instability and highlight the subtle role that viscosity must play in the rupturing of a vortex sheet. The concurrence of this observed iterative cascade of instabilities over various scales with those of recent theoretical predictions could provide a mechanistic framework in which the evolution of turbulent flows can be examined in real time as a series of discrete dynamic instabilities.
Siddarth Srinivasan, Vladescu, Ioana D, Koehler, Stephan A. , Wang, Xiaoling , Mani, Madhac , and Rubinstein, Shmuel M. 2018. Matrix Production And Sporulation In Bacillus Subtilis Biofilms Localize To Propagating Wave Fronts. Biophysical Journal, 114, 6, Pp. 1490-1498. Publisher's Version
Bacterial biofilms are surface-attached microbial communities encased in self-produced extracellular polymeric substances. Here we demonstrate that during the development ofBacillus subtilis biofilms, matrix production is localized to an annular front propagating at the periphery and sporulation to a second front at a fixed distance at the interior. We show that within these fronts, cells switch off matrix production and transition to sporulation after a set time delay of \~100 min. Correlation analyses of fluctuations in fluorescence reporter activity reveal that the fronts emerge from a pair of gene-expression waves of matrix production and sporulation. The localized expression waves travel across cells that are immobilized in the biofilm matrix in contrast to active cell migration or horizontal colony spreading. Our results suggest that front propagation arises via a local developmental program occurring at the level of individual bacterial cells, likely driven by nutrient depletion and metabolic by-product accumulation. A single-length scale and timescale couples the spatiotemporal propagation of both fronts throughout development. As a result, gene expression patterns within the advancing fronts collapse to self-similar expression profiles. Our findings highlight the key role of the localized cellular developmental program associated with the propagating front in describing biofilm growth.
Omer Gottesman, Andrejevic, Jovana , Rycroft, Chris H, and Rubinstein, Shmuel M. 2018. A State Variable For Crumpled Thin Sheets. Nature Communications Physics, 1, 1, Pp. 70. Publisher's Version
Despite the apparent ease with which sheets of paper are crumpled and tossed away, crumpling dynamics are often considered a paradigm of complexity. This arises from the infinite number of configurations that disordered, crumpled sheets can take. Here we experimentally show that key aspects of axially confined crumpled Mylar sheets have a very simple description; evolution of damage in crumpling dynamics can largely be described by a single global quantity—the total length of creases. We follow the evolution of the damage network in repetitively crumpled elastoplastic sheets, and show that the dynamics are deterministic, depending only on the instantaneous state of the crease network and not on the crumpling history. We also show that this global quantity captures the crumpling dynamics of a sheet crumpled for the first time. This leads to a remarkable reduction in complexity, allowing a description of a highly disordered system by a single state parameter.
We measure the static frictional resistance and the real area of contact between two solid blocks subjected to a normal load. We show that following a two-step change in the normal load the system exhibits nonmonotonic aging and memory effects, two hallmarks of glassy dynamics. These dynamics are strongly influenced by the discrete geometry of the frictional interface, characterized by the attachment and detachment of unique microcontacts. The results are in good agreement with a theoretical model we propose that incorporates this geometry into the framework recently used to describe Kovacs-like relaxation in glasses as well as thermal disordered systems. These results indicate that a frictional interface is a glassy system and strengthen the notion that nonmonotonic relaxation behavior is generic in such systems.
Omer Gottesman, Vouga, Etienne , Rubinstein, Shmuel M, and Mahadevan, L. 2018. Localized Patterns In Crushed Conical Shells. Epl (Europhysics Letters), 124, 1, Pp. 14005. Publisher's Version
We use experiments and numerical simulations to study the rapid buckling of thin-walled cones as they impact a solid surface at high velocities. The buildup of air pressure inside the cone localizes the deformations to the impacting interface with the solid surface, leading to the hierarchical formation of an ordered pattern of small rhomboidal cells. In contrast, when the inner air pressure is not allowed to develop, the ordered pattern is destabilized and the cone collapses in a highly disordered state on long length scales. Numerical simulations confirm that the transition between ordered and disordered crumpling is governed by the competition between the elastic deformation energy of the shells and the work required to pressurize the air. Our results show how dynamic stabilization via tensioning suppresses long wavelength subcritical instabilities in shells and leads to the localization and propagation of short wavelength patterns.
Ahmad Rafsanjani, Zhang, Yuerou , Liu, Bangyuan , Rubinstein, Shmuel M. , and Bertoldi, Katia . 2018. Kirigami Skins Make A Simple Soft Actuator Crawl. Science Robotics, 3, 15, Pp. 7555. Publisher's Version
Bioinspired soft machines made of highly deformable materials are enabling a variety of innovative applications, yet their locomotion typically requires several actuators that are independently activated. We harnessed kirigami principles to significantly enhance the crawling capability of a soft actuator. We designed highly stretchable kirigami surfaces in which mechanical instabilities induce a transformation from flat sheets to 3D-textured surfaces akin to the scaled skin of snakes. First, we showed that this transformation was accompanied by a dramatic change in the frictional properties of the surfaces. Then, we demonstrated that, when wrapped around an extending soft actuator, the buckling-induced directional frictional properties of these surfaces enabled the system to efficiently crawl.


Yoav Lahini, Gottesman, Omer , Amir, Ariel , and Rubinstein, Shmuel M. 2017. Nonmonotonic Aging And Memory Retention In Disordered Mechanical Systems. Physical Review Letters, 118, 8, Pp. 085501. Publisher's Version
We observe nonmonotonic aging and memory effects, two hallmarks of glassy dynamics, in two disordered mechanical systems: crumpled thin sheets and elastic foams. Under fixed compression, both systems exhibit monotonic nonexponential relaxation. However, when after a certain waiting time the compression is partially reduced, both systems exhibit a nonmonotonic response: the normal force first increases over many minutes or even hours until reaching a peak value, and only then is relaxation resumed. The peak time scales linearly with the waiting time, indicating that these systems retain long-lasting memory of previous conditions. Our results and the measured scaling relations are in good agreement with a theoretical model recently used to describe observations of monotonic aging in several glassy systems, suggesting that the nonmonotonic behavior may be generic and that athermal systems can show genuine glassy behavior.
We demonstrate the use of fluorescence microscopy as a tool for mapping the spatial distribution of fluid flow and electrochemical reactions in an operating aqueous quinone flow cell. 9,10-anthraquinone-2,7-disulfonic acid (AQDS) is a reversibly redox active molecule with a reduced form (H2AQDS) that fluoresces when excited by UV light. Visualization of AQDS/H2AQDS within commercial porous carbon electrode papers enables a direct comparison of their performance. In particular, this technique illuminates surprisingly large-scale heterogeneous fluid flow profiles present in several carbon papers, leaving substantial areas of the electrode mass-transport limited. In others, more homogeneous flow distribution is observed, but limitations such as low electronic conductivity and limited accessible electrode surface area limit the performance. This work provides insights into improving structural properties of porous electrodes for high-power density electrochemical flow cells.
Emmanuel Virot, Kreilos, Tobias , Schneider, Tobias M, and Rubinstein, Shmuel M. 2017. Stability Landscape Of Shell Buckling. Physical Review Letters, 119, 22, Pp. 224101. Publisher's Version
We measure the response of cylindrical shells to poking and identify a stability landscape, which fully characterizes the stability of perfect shells and imperfect ones in the case where a single defect dominates. We show that the landscape of stability is independent of the loading protocol and the poker geometry. Our results suggest that the complex stability of shells reduces to a low dimensional description. Tracking ridges and valleys of this landscape defines a natural phase-space coordinates for describing the stability of shells.


Tetsuo Yamaguchi, Sawae, Yoshinori , and Rubinstein, Shmuel M. 2016. Effects Of Loading Angles On Stick–Slip Dynamics Of Soft Sliders. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 9, 2, Pp. 331-335. Publisher's Version
When soft gels move across a hard surface, stick–slip frictional sliding is mediated by propagation of adhesion and detachment fronts. Here we experimentally investigate the sliding dynamics of an extended frictional interface between soft Silicone gel and hard PMMA and identify three distinct sliding regimes. We directly visualize the interface and show that a minute manipulation of the initial loading angle results in a sharp bifurcation between the different sliding states. The phase diagram as well as universal scaling relations governing the dynamics is presented.
Xiaoling Wang, Koehler, Stephan A. , Wilking, James N. , Sinha, Naveen N. , Cabeen, Matthew T, Srinivasan, Siddharth , Seminara, Agnese , Rubinstein, Shmuel M, Sun, Qingping , Brenner, Michael P. , and Weitz, David A. 2016. Probing Phenotypic Growth In Expanding Bacillus Subtilis Biofilms. Applied Microbiology And Biotechnology, 100, 10, Pp. 4607-4615. Publisher's Version
We develop an optical imaging technique for spatially and temporally tracking biofilm growth and the distribution of the main phenotypes of a Bacillus subtilisstrain with a triple-fluorescent reporter for motility, matrix production, and sporulation. We develop a calibration procedure for determining the biofilm thickness from the transmission images, which is based on Beer-Lambert’s law and involves cross-sectioning of biofilms. To obtain the phenotype distribution, we assume a linear relationship between the number of cells and their fluorescence and determine the best combination of calibration coefficients that matches the total number of cells for all three phenotypes and with the total number of cells from the transmission images. Based on this analysis, we resolve the composition of the biofilm in terms of motile, matrix-producing, sporulating cells and low-fluorescent materials which includes matrix and cells that are dead or have low fluorescent gene expression. We take advantage of the circular growth to make kymograph plots of all three phenotypes and the dominant phenotype in terms of radial distance and time. To visualize the nonlocal character of biofilm growth, we also make kymographs using the local colonization time. Our technique is suitable for real-time, noninvasive, quantitative studies of the growth and phenotype distribution of biofilms which are either exposed to different conditions such as biocides, nutrient depletion, dehydration, or waste accumulation.


Omer Gottesman, Efrati, Efi , and Rubinstein, Shmuel M. 2015. Furrows In The Wake Of Propagating D-Cones. Nature Communications, 6, 7232, Pp. 7232. Publisher's Version
A crumpled sheet of paper displays an intricate pattern of creases and point-like singular structures, termed d-cones. It is typically assumed that elongated creases form when ridges connecting two d-cones fold beyond the material yielding threshold, and scarring is thus a by-product of the folding dynamics that seek to minimize elastic energy. Here we show that rather than merely being the consequence of folding, plasticity can act as its instigator. We introduce and characterize a different type of crease that is inherently plastic and is formed by the propagation of a single point defect. When a pre-existing d-cone is strained beyond a certain threshold, the singular structure at its apex sharpens abruptly. The resulting focusing of strains yields the material just ahead of the singularity, allowing it to propagate, leaving a furrow-like scar in its wake. We suggest an intuitive fracture analogue to explain the creation of furrows.


John M Kolinski, Mahadevan, L, and Rubinstein, Shmuel M. 2014. Lift-Off Instability During The Impact Of A Drop On A Solid Surface. Physical Review Letters, 112, 13, Pp. 134501. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.134501. Publisher's Version
We directly measure the rapid spreading dynamics succeeding the impact of a droplet of fluid on a solid, dry surface. Upon impact, the air separating the liquid from the solid surface fails to drain and wetting is delayed as the liquid rapidly spreads outwards over a nanometer thin film of air. We show that the approach of the spreading liquid front toward the surface is unstable and the spreading front lifts off away from the surface. Lift-off ensues well before the liquid contacts the surface, in contrast with prevailing paradigm where lift-off of the liquid is contingent on solid-liquid contact and the formation of a viscous boundary layer. Here we investigate the dynamics of liquid spreading over a thin film of air and its lift-off away from the surface over a large range of fluid viscosities and find that the lift-off instability is dependent on viscosity and occurs at a time that scales with the viscosity to the power of one half.
Tina Lin, Rubinstein, Shmuel , Korchev, Andriy , and Weitz, David A. 2014. Pattern Formation Of Charged Particles In Electric Field. Langmuir, 30, 41, Pp. 12119-12123. Publisher's Version
The application of an electric field to a suspension of charged particles can lead to the formation of patterns due to electrohydrodynamic instabilities which remain poorly understood. We elucidate this behavior by visualizing the dynamics of charged carbon black particles suspended in a nonpolar solvent in response to an electric field. As the particles are transported across a microfluidic channel, an instability occurs in which the initially uniform, rapidly advancing particle front develops fingers. Furthermore, when the direction of the applied field is repeatedly switched, the particles localize into a remarkably well-defined periodic pattern which reflects an interplay between the fingering instability and particle diffusion.
John M Kolinski, Mahadevan, L, and Rubinstein, Shmuel M. 2014. Drops Can Bounce From Perfectly Hydrophilic Surfaces. Epl (Europhysics Letters), 108, 2, Pp. 24001. Publisher's Version
Drops are well known to rebound from superhydrophobic surfaces and from liquid surfaces. Here, we show that drops can also rebound from a superhydrophilic solid surface such as an atomically smooth mica sheet. However, the coefficient of restitution CR associated with this process is significantly lower than that associated with rebound from superhydrophobic surfaces. A direct imaging method allows us to characterize the dynamics of the deformation of the drop in entering the vicinity of the surface. We find that drop bouncing occurs without the drop ever touching the solid and there is a nanometer-scale film of air that separates the liquid and solid, suggesting that shear in the air film is the dominant source of dissipation during rebound. Furthermore, we see that any discrete nanometer-height defects on an otherwise hydrophilic surface, such as treated glass, completely inhibits the bouncing of the drop, causing the liquid to wet the surface. Our study adds a new facet to the dynamics of droplet impact by emphasizing that the thin film of air can play a role not just in the context of splashing but also bouncing, while highlighting the role of rare surface defects in inhibiting this response.


John M Kolinski, Rubinstein, Shmuel M, Mandre, Shreyas , Brenner, Michael P. , Weitz, David A, and Mahadevan, L. 2012. Skating On A Film Of Air: Drops Impacting On A Surface. Physical Review Letters, 108, 7, Pp. 074503. Publisher's Version
The commonly accepted description of drops impacting on a surface typically ignores the essential role of the air that is trapped between the impacting drop and the surface. Here we describe a new imaging modality that is sensitive to the behavior right at the surface. We show that a very thin film of air, only a few tens of nanometers thick, remains trapped between the falling drop and the surface as the drop spreads. The thin film of air serves to lubricate the drop enabling the fluid to skate on the air film laterally outward at surprisingly high velocities, consistent with theoretical predictions. Eventually this thin film of air breaks down as the fluid wets the surface via a spinodal-like mechanism. Our results show that the dynamics of impacting drops are much more complex than previously thought, with a rich array of unexpected phenomena that require rethinking classic paradigms.
Shmuel M Rubinstein, Kolodkin-Gal, Ilana , Mcloon, Anna , Chai, Liraz , Kolter, Roberto , Losick, Richard , and Weitz, David A. 2012. Osmotic Pressure Can Regulate Matrix Gene Expression In Bacillus Subtilis. Molecular Microbiology, 86, 2, Pp. 426-436. Publisher's Version
Many bacteria organize themselves into structurally complex communities known as biofilms in which the cells are held together by an extracellular matrix. In general, the amount of extracellular matrix is related to the robustness of the biofilm. Yet, the specific signals that regulate the synthesis of matrix remain poorly understood. Here we show that the matrix itself can be a cue that regulates the expression of the genes involved in matrix synthesis in Bacillus subtilis. The presence of the exopolysaccharide component of the matrix causes an increase in osmotic pressure that leads to an inhibition of matrix gene expression. We further show that non-specific changes in osmotic pressure also inhibit matrix gene expression and do so by activating the histidine kinase KinD. KinD, in turn, directs the phosphorylation of the master regulatory protein Spo0A, which at high levels represses matrix gene expression. Sensing a physical cue such as osmotic pressure, in addition to chemical cues, could be a strategy to non-specifically co-ordinate the behaviour of cells in communities composed of many different species.


Rosario Capozza, Rubinstein, Shmuel M, Barel, Itay , Urbakh, Michael , and Fineberg, Jay . 2011. Stabilizing Stick-Slip Friction. Physical Review Letters, 107, 2, Pp. 24301. Publisher's Version
Even the most regular stick-slip frictional sliding is always stochastic, with irregularity in both the intervals between slip events and the sizes of the associated stress drops. Applying small-amplitude oscillations to the shear force, we show, experimentally and theoretically, that the stick-slip periods synchronize. We further show that this phase locking is related to the inhibition of slow rupture modes which forces a transition to fast rupture, providing a possible mechanism for observed remote triggering of earthquakes. Such manipulation of collective modes may be generally relevant to extended nonlinear systems driven near to criticality.
Shmuel M Rubinstein, Barel, Itay , Reches, Ze’ev , Braun, Oleg M, Urbakh, Michael , and Fineberg, Jay . 2011. Slip Sequences In Laboratory Experiments Resulting From Inhomogeneous Shear As Analogs Of Earthquakes Associated With A Fault Edge. Pure And Applied Geophysics, 168, 12, Pp. 2151-2166. Publisher's Version
Faults are intrinsically heterogeneous with common occurrences of jogs, edges and steps. We therefore explore experimentally and theoretically how fault edges may affect earthquake and slip dynamics. In the presented experiments and accompanying theoretical model, shear loads are applied to the edge of one of two flat blocks in frictional contact that form a fault analog. We show that slip occurs via a sequence of rapid rupture events that initiate from the loading edge and are arrested after propagating a finite distance. Each successive event extends the slip size, transfers the applied shear across the block, and causes progressively larger changes of the contact area along the contact surface. Resulting from this sequence of events, a hard asperity is dynamically formed near the loaded edge. The contact area beyond this asperity is largely reduced. These sequences of rapid events culminate in slow slip events that precede a major, unarrested slip event along the entire contact surface. We suggest that the 1998 M5.0 Sendai and 1995 off-Etorofu earthquake sequences may correspond to this scenario. Our work demonstrates, qualitatively, how the simplest deviation from uniform shear loading may significantly affect both earthquake nucleation processes and how fault complexity develops.
Anna L McLoon, Kolodkin-Gal, Ilana , Rubinstein, Shmuel M, Kolter, Roberto , and Losick, Richard . 2011. Spatial Regulation Of Histidine Kinases Governing Biofilm Formation In Bacillus Subtilis. Journal Of Bacteriology, 193, 3, Pp. 679-685. Publisher's Version
Bacillus subtilis is able to form architecturally complex biofilms on solid medium due to the production of an extracellular matrix. A master regulator that controls the expression of the genes involved in matrix synthesis is Spo0A, which is activated by phosphorylation via a phosphorelay involving multiple histidine kinases. Here we report that four kinases, KinA, KinB, KinC, and KinD, help govern biofilm formation but that their contributions are partially masked by redundancy. We show that the kinases fall into two categories and that the members of each pair (one pair comprising KinA and KinB and the other comprising KinC and KinD) are partially redundant with each other. We also show that the kinases are spatially regulated: KinA and KinB are active principally in the older, inner regions of the colony, and KinC and KinD function chiefly in the younger, outer regions. These conclusions are based on the morphology of kinase mutants, real-time measurements of gene expression using luciferase as a reporter, and confocal microscopy using a fluorescent protein as a reporter. Our findings suggest that multiple signals from the older and younger regions of the colony are integrated by the kinases to determine the overall architecture of the biofilm community.


Oded Ben-David, Rubinstein, Shmuel M, and Fineberg, Jay . 2010. Slip-Stick And The Evolution Of Frictional Strength. Nature, 463, 7277, Pp. 76-79. Publisher's Version
The evolution of frictional strength has great fundamental and practical importance. Applications range from earthquake dynamics to hard-drive read/write cycles. Frictional strength is governed by the resistance to shear of the large ensemble of discrete contacts that forms the interface that separates two sliding bodies. An interface’s overall strength is determined by both the real contact area and the contacts’ shear strength. Whereas the average motion of large, slowly sliding bodies is well-described by empirical friction laws3,8,9,10, interface strength is a dynamic entity that is inherently related to both fast processes such as detachment/re-attachment and the slow process of contact area rejuvenation. Here we show how frictional strength evolves from extremely short to long timescales, by continuous measurements of the concurrent local evolution of the real contact area and the corresponding interface motion (slip) from the first microseconds when contact detachment occurs to large (100-second) timescales. We identify four distinct and inter-related phases of evolution. First, all of the local contact area reduction occurs within a few microseconds, on the passage of a crack-like front. This is followed by the onset of rapid slip over a characteristic time, the value of which suggests a fracture-induced reduction of contact strength before any slip occurs. This rapid slip phase culminates with a sharp transition to slip at velocities an order of magnitude slower. At slip arrest, ‘ageing’ immediately commences as contact area increases on a characteristic timescale determined by the system’s local memory of its effective contact time before slip arrest. We show how the singular logarithmic behaviour generally associated with ageing is cut off at short times16. These results provide a comprehensive picture of how frictional strength evolves from the short times and rapid slip velocities at the onset of motion to ageing at the long times following slip arrest.
Shmuel M Rubinstein, Cohen, Gil , Fineberg, Jay , and Reches, Ze’ev . 2010. Slip Sequences In Laboratory Experiments As Analogues To Earthquakes Associated With Fault Edge. Meso-Scale Shear Physics In Earthquake And Landslide Mechanics, Pp. 17-24. Publisher's Version
Natural faults are intrinsically heterogeneous where jogs, edges and steps are common. We experimentally explore how fault edges may affect earthquake and slip dynamics by applying shear to the edge of one of two flat blocks in frictional contact. We show that slip occurs via a sequence of rapid rupture events that arrest after a finite distance. Successive events extend the slip size, transfer the applied shear across the block, and cause progressively larger changes of the contact area along the contact surface. Each sequence of events dynamically forms an asperity near the edge and largely reduces the contact area beyond. These sequences of rapid events all culminate in slow slip events that lead to major, unarrested slip along the entire contact surface. These results show that a simple deviation from uniform shear loading configuration can significantly and qualitatively affect both earthquake nucleation processes and the evolution of fault complexity.


Understanding the dynamics of frictional motion is essential to fields ranging from nano-machines to the study of earthquakes. Frictional motion involves a huge range of time and length scales, coupling the elastic fields of two blocks under stress to the dynamics of the myriad interlocking microscopic contacts that form the interface at their plane of separation. In spite of the immense practical and fundamental importance of friction, many aspects of the basic physics of the problem are still not well understood. One such aspect is the nucleation of frictional motion commonly referred to as the transition from static to dynamic friction. Here we review experimental studies of dynamical aspects of frictional sliding. We focus mainly on recent advances in real-time visualization of the real area of contact along large spatially extended interfaces and the importance of rapid fracture-like processes that appear at the onset of frictional instability.


Shmuel M Rubinstein, Manukyan, G. , Staicu, A. , Rubinstein, I. , Zaltzman, B. , Lammertink, R. G. H. , Mugele, F. , and Wessling, M. . 2008. Direct Observation Of A Nonequilibrium Electro-Osmotic Instability. Physical Review Letters, 101, 23, Pp. 236101. Publisher's Version
We present a visualization of the predicted instability in ionic conduction from a binary electrolyte into a charge selective solid. This instability develops when a voltage greater than critical is applied to a thin layer of copper sulfate flanked by a copper anode and a cation selective membrane. The current-voltage dependence exhibits a saturation at the limiting current. With a further increase of voltage, the current increases, marking the transition to the overlimiting conductance. This transition is mediated by the appearing vortical flow that increases with the applied voltage.
The dynamics of frictional motion have been studied for hundreds of years, yet many aspects of these important processes are not understood. First described by Coulomb and Amontons as the transition from static to dynamic friction, the onset of frictional motion is central to fields as diverse as physics, tribology, mechanics of earthquakes, and fracture. We review recent studies in which fast (real-time) visualization of the true contact area along a rough spatially extended interface separating two blocks of like material has revealed the detailed dynamics of how this transition takes place. The onset of motion is preceded by a discrete sequence of rapid cracklike precursors, which are initiated at shear levels that are well below the threshold for static friction. These precursors systematically increase in spatial extent with the applied shear force and leave in their wake a significant redistribution of the true contact area. Their cumulative effect is such that, just prior to overall sliding of the blocks, a highly inhomogeneous contact profile is established along the interface. At the transition to overall motion, these precursor cracks trigger both slow propagation modes and modes that travel faster than the shear wave speed. Overall frictional motion takes place only when either the slow propagation modes or additional shear cracks excited by these slow modes traverse the entire interface. Surprisingly, in the resulting stick–slip motion, the surface contact profile retains the profile built up prior to the first slipping event. These results suggest a fracture-based mechanism for stick–slip motion that is qualitatively different from other descriptions.


Shmuel M Rubinstein, Cohen, G, and Fineberg, J. 2007. Dynamics Of Precursors To Frictional Sliding. Physical Review Letters, 98, 22, Pp. 226103. Publisher's Version
We measure the spatial and temporal behavior of the true contact area A along a rough spatially extended interface between two blocks in frictional contact. Upon the application of shear the onset of motion is preceded by a discrete sequence of cracklike precursors, which are initiated at shear levels that are well below the threshold for static friction. These precursors arrest well before traversing the entire interface. They systematically increase in length with the applied shear force and significantly redistribute the true contact area along the interface. Thus, when frictional sliding occurs, the initially uniform contact area along the interface has already evolved to one that is highly nonuniform in space.


We perform quantitative measurements of the actual area of contact, A, formed by two rough solids that are subjected to different normal loading protocols. We show that microscopic motion, induced by Poisson contraction or expansion, produces a strong memory dependence of A on the loading history with a large corresponding influence on the system’s frictional strength. These effects, together with accompanying transient dynamics, are independent of humidity, loading rates, and material contrast across the interface.
Shmuel M Rubinstein, Shay, Meni , Cohen, Gil , and Fineberg, Jay . 2006. Crack-Like Processes Governing The Onset Of Frictional Slip. International Journal Of Fracture, 140, 1-4, Pp. 201-212. Publisher's Version
We perform real-time measurements of the net contact area between two blocks of like material at the onset of frictional slip. We show that the process of interface detachment, which immediately precedes the inception of frictional sliding, is governed by three different types of detachment fronts. These crack-like detachment fronts differ by both their propagation velocities and by the amount of net contact surface reduction caused by their passage. The most rapid fronts propagate at intersonic velocities but generate a negligible reduction in contact area across the interface. Sub-Rayleigh fronts are crack-like modes which propagate at velocities up to the Rayleigh wave speed, V R, and give rise to an approximate 10% reduction in net contact area. The most efficient contact area reduction ( 20%) is precipitated by the passage of ‘slow detachment fronts’. These fronts propagate at ‘anomalously’ slow velocities, which are over an order of magnitude lower than V R yet orders of magnitude higher than other characteristic velocity scales such as either slip or loading velocities. Slow fronts are generated, in conjunction with intersonic fronts, by the sudden arrest of sub-Rayleigh fronts. No overall sliding of the interface occurs until either of the slower two fronts traverses the entire interface, and motion at the leading edge of the interface is initiated. Slip at the trailing edge of the interface accompanies the motion of both the slow and sub-Rayleigh fronts. We might expect these modes to be important in both fault nucleation and earthquake dynamics.


Shmuel M Rubinstein, Cohen, Gil , and Fineberg, Jay . 2004. Detachment Fronts And The Onset Of Dynamic Friction. Nature, 430, 7003, Pp. 1005-1009. Publisher's Version
The dynamics of friction have been studied for hundreds of years, yet many aspects of these everyday processes are not understood. One such aspect is the onset of frictional motion (slip). First described more than 200 years ago as the transition from static to dynamic friction, the onset of slip is central to fields as diverse as physics, tribology, mechanics of earthquakes and fracture. Here we show that the onset of frictional slip is governed by three different types of coherent crack-like fronts: these are observed by real-time visualization of the net contact area that forms the interface separating two blocks of like material. Two of these fronts, which propagate at subsonic and intersonic velocities, have been the subject of intensive recent interest. We show that a third type of front, which propagates an order of magnitude more slowly, is the dominant mechanism for the rupture of the interface. No overall motion (sliding) of the blocks occurs until either of the slower two fronts traverses the entire interface.