
Zhibo Gu, Xu, Bingrui , Huo, Peng , Rubinstein, Shmuel M. , Bazant, Martin Z. , and Deng, Daosheng . 2019. Deionization Shock Driven By Electroconvection In A Circular Channel. Physical Review Fluids, 4, 11. doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.4.113701. Publisher's Version
In a circular channel passing overlimiting current (faster than diffusion), transient vortices of bulk electroconvection are observed in a salt-depleted region within the horizontal plane. The spatiotemporal evolution of the salt concentration is directly visualized, revealing the propagation of a deionization shock wave driven by bulk electroconvection up to millimeter scales. This mechanism leads to quantitatively similar dynamics as for deionization shocks in charged porous media, which are driven instead by surface conduction and electro-osmotic flow at micron to nanometer scales. The remarkable generality of deionization shocks under overlimiting current could be used to manipulate ion transport in complex geometries for desalination and water treatment.
Lisa Lee, Ryan, John Paul , Lahini, Yoav , Holmes-Cerfon, Miranda , and Rubinstein, Shmuel M. . 2019. Geometric Frustration Induces The Transition Between Rotation And Counterrotation In Swirled Granular Media. Physical Review E, 100, 1. . Publisher's Version
Granular material in a swirled container exhibits a curious transition as the number of particles is increased: At low densities, the particle cluster rotates in the same direction as the swirling motion of the container, while at high densities it rotates in the opposite direction. We investigate this phenomenon experimentally and numerically using a corotating reference frame in which the system reaches a statistical steady state. In this steady state, the particles form a cluster whose translational degrees of freedom are stationary, while the individual particles constantly circulate around the cluster’s center of mass, similar to a ball rolling along the wall within a rotating drum. We show that the transition to counterrotation is friction dependent. At high particle densities, frictional effects result in geometric frustration, which prevents particles from cooperatively rolling and spinning. Consequently, the particle cluster rolls like a rigid body with no-slip conditions on the container wall, which necessarily counterrotates around its own axis. Numerical simulations verify that both wall-disk friction and disk-disk friction are critical for inducing counterrotation.
Jordan Hoffmann, Bar-Sinai, Yohai , Lee, Lisa , Andrejevic, Jovana , Mishra, Shruti , Rubinstein, Shmuel M. , and Rycroft, Chris H. . 2019. Machine Learning In A Data-Limited Regime: Augmenting Experiments With Synthetic Data Uncovers Order In Crumpled Sheets. Science Advances, 5, 4. . Publisher's Version
Machine learning has gained widespread attention as a powerful tool to identify structure in complex, high-dimensional data. However, these techniques are ostensibly inapplicable for experimental systems where data are scarce or expensive to obtain. Here, we introduce a strategy to resolve this impasse by augmenting the experimental dataset with synthetically generated data of a much simpler sister system. Specifically, we study spontaneously emerging local order in crease networks of crumpled thin sheets, a paradigmatic example of spatial complexity, and show that machine learning techniques can be effective even in a data-limited regime. This is achieved by augmenting the scarce experimental dataset with inexhaustible amounts of simulated data of rigid flat-folded sheets, which are simple to simulate and share common statistical properties. This considerably improves the predictive power in a test problem of pattern completion and demonstrates the usefulness of machine learning in bench-top experiments where data are good but scarce.
Lisa M. Lee, Rosenberg, Gili , and Rubinstein, Shmuel M. . 2019. A Sequence Of Developmental Events Occurs Underneath Growing Bacillus Subtilis Pellicles. Frontiers In Microbiology, 10, Pp. 842. . Publisher's Version
Biofilms are structured communities of bacteria that exhibit complex spatio-temporal dynamics. In liquid media, Bacillus subtilis produces an opaque floating biofilm, or a pellicle. Biofilms are generally associated with an interface, but the ability of Bacillus subtilis to swim means the bacteria are additionally able to reside within the liquid phase. However, due to imaging complications associated with the opacity of pellicles, the extent to which bacteria coexist within the liquid bulk as well as their behavior in the liquid is not well studied. We therefore develop a high-throughput imaging system to image underneath developing pellicles. Here we report a well-defined sequence of developmental events that occurs underneath a growing pellicle. Comparison with bacteria deficient in swimming and chemotaxis suggest that these properties enable collective bacterial swimming within the liquid phase which facilitate faster surface colonization. Furthermore, comparison to bacteria deficient in exopolymeric substances (EPS) suggest that the lack of a surface pellicle prevents further developmental steps from occurring within the liquid phase. Our results reveal a sequence of developmental events during pellicle growth, encompassing adhesion, conversion, growth, maturity, and detachment on the interface, which are synchronized with the bacteria in the liquid bulk increasing in density until the formation of a mature surface pellicle, after which the density of bacteria in the liquid drops.
Fei Deng, Tsekenis, Georgios , and Rubinstein, Shmuel M. . 2019. Simple Law For Third-Body Friction. Physical Review Letters, 122, 13. . Publisher's Version
A key difficulty to understanding friction is that many physical mechanisms contribute simultaneously. Here we investigate third-body frictional dynamics in a model experimental system that eliminates first-body interaction, wear, and fracture, and concentrates on the elastic interaction between sliding blocks and third bodies. We simultaneously visualize the particle motion and measure the global shear force. By systematically increasing the number of foreign particles, we find that the frictional dissipation depends only on the size ratio between surface asperities and the loose particles, irrespective of the particle’s size or the surface’s roughness. When the particles are comparable in size to the surface features, friction increases linearly with the number of particles. For particles smaller than the surface features, friction grows sublinearly with the number of particles. Our findings suggest that matching the size of surface features to the size of potential contaminants may be a good strategy for reliable lubrication.
John M. Kolinski, Kaviani, Ramin , Hade, Dylan , and Rubinstein, Shmuel M. . 2019. Surfing The Capillary Wave: Wetting Dynamics Beneath An Impacting Drop. Physical Review Fluids, 4, 12. doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.4.123605. Publisher's Version
The initiation of contact between liquid and a dry solid is of great fundamental and practical importance. We experimentally probe the dynamics of wetting that occur when an impacting drop first contacts a dry surface. We show that, initially, wetting is mediated by the formation and growth of nanoscale liquid bridges, binding the liquid to the solid across a thin film of air. As the liquid bridge expands, air accumulates and deforms the liquid-air interface, and a capillary wave forms ahead of the advancing wetting front. This capillary wave regularizes the pressure at the advancing wetting front and explains the anomalously low wetting velocities observed. As the liquid viscosity increases, the wetting front velocity decreases; we propose a phenomenological scaling for the observed decrease of the wetting velocity with liquid viscosity.
Sam Dillavou, Rubinstein, Shmuel M, and Kolinski, John M. 2019. Virtual Frame Technique: Ultrafast Imaging With Any Camera. Optics Express, 27, 6. . Publisher's Version
Many phenomena of interest in nature and industry occur rapidly and are difficult and cost-prohibitive to visualize properly without specialized cameras. Here we describe in detail the Virtual Frame Technique (VFT), a simple, useful, and accessible form of compressed sensing that increases the frame acquisition rate of any camera by several orders of magnitude by leveraging its dynamic range. VFT is a powerful tool for capturing rapid phenomenon where the dynamics facilitate a transition between two states, and are thus binary. The advantages of VFT are demonstrated by examining such dynamics in five physical processes at unprecedented rates and spatial resolution: fracture of an elastic solid, wetting of a solid surface, rapid fingerprint reading, peeling of adhesive tape, and impact of an elastic hemisphere on a hard surface. We show that the performance of the VFT exceeds that of any commercial high speed camera not only in rate of imaging but also in field of view, achieving a 65MHz frame rate at 4MPx resolution. Finally, we discuss the performance of the VFT with several commercially available conventional and high-speed cameras. In principle, modern cell phones can achieve imaging rates of over a million frames per second using the VFT.