published in 2020
Anaïs Abramian, Virot, Emmanuel , Lozano, Emilio , Rubinstein, Shmuel M. , and Schneider, Tobias M.. 11/25/2020. Nondestructive Prediction Of The Buckling Load Of Imperfect Shells. Phys. Rev. Lett., 125, 22, Pp. 225504. https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.225504. Publisher's Version
From soda cans to space rockets, thin-walled cylindrical shells are abundant, offering exceptional load carrying capacity at relatively low weight. However, the actual load at which any shell buckles and collapses is very sensitive to imperceptible defects and cannot be predicted, which challenges the of such structures. Consequently, probabilistic descriptions in terms of empirical design rules are used and designing reliable structures requires the use of conservative strength estimates. We introduce a nonlinear description where finite-amplitude perturbations trigger buckling. Drawing from the analogy between imperfect shells which buckle and imperfect pipe flow which becomes turbulent, we experimentally show that lateral probing of cylindrical shells reveals their strength nondestructively. A new ridge-tracking method is applied to commercial cylinders with a hole showing that when the location where buckling nucleates is known we can accurately predict the buckling load of each individual shell, within ±5%. Our study provides a new promising framework to understand shell buckling, and more generally, imperfection-sensitive instabilities.
Sam Dillavou and Rubinstein, Shmuel M. . 2020. Shear Controls Frictional Aging By Erasing Memory. Physical Review Letters, 124, 8. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.085502.
We simultaneously measure the static friction and the real area of contact between two solid bodies. These quantities are traditionally considered equivalent, and under static conditions both increase logarithmically in time, a phenomenon coined aging. Here we show that the frictional aging rate is determined by the combination of the aging rate of the real area of contact and two memory-erasure effects that occur when shear is changed (e.g., to measure static friction.) The application of a static shear load accelerates frictional aging while the aging rate of the real area of contact is unaffected. Moreover, a negative static shear-pulling instead of pushing-slows frictional aging, but similarly does not affect the aging of contacts. The origin of this shear effect on aging is geometrical. When shear load is increased, minute relative tilts between the two blocks prematurely erase interfacial memory prior to sliding, negating the effect of aging. Modifying the loading point of the interface eliminates these tilts and as a result frictional aging rate becomes insensitive to shear. We also identify a secondary memory-erasure effect that remains even when all tilts are eliminated and show that this effect can be leveraged to accelerate aging by cycling between two static shear loads.
The real area of contact of a frictional interface changes rapidly when the normal load is altered, and evolves slowly when the normal load is held constant, aging over time. Traditionally, the total area of contact is considered a proxy for the frictional strength of the interface. Here, we show that the state of a frictional interface is not entirely defined by the total real area of contact but depends on the geometrical nature of that contact as well. We directly visualize an interface between rough elastomers and smooth glass and identify that normal loading and frictional aging evolve the interface differently, even at a single contact level. We introduce a protocol wherein the real area of contact is held constant in time. Under these conditions, the interface is continually evolving; small contacts shrink and large contacts coarsen.
Man Hu, Wang, Feng , Tao, Qian , Chen, Li , Rubinstein, Shmuel M. , and Deng, Daosheng . 2020. Frozen Patterns Of Impacted Droplets: From Conical Tips To Toroidal Shapes. Physical Review Fluids, 5, 8. doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.5.081601. Publisher's Version
We report frozen ice patterns for the water droplets impacting on a cold substrate through high-speed images. These patterns can be manipulated by several physical parameters (the droplet size, falling height, and substrate temperature), and the scaling analysis has a remarkable agreement with the phase diagram. The observed double-concentric toroidal shape is attributed to the correlation between the impacting dynamics and freezing process, as confirmed by the spatiotemporal evolution of the droplet temperature, the identified timescale associated with the morphology and solidification (t(inn) similar or equal to tau(sol)), and the ice front-advection model. These results for frozen patterns provide insight into the complex interplay of the rapid impacting hydrodynamics, the transient heat transfer, and the intricate solidification process.
Ryan McKeown, Ostilla-Monico, Rodolfo , Pumir, Alain , Brenner, Michael P. , and Rubinstein, Shmuel M. . 2020. Turbulence Generation Through An Iterative Cascade Of The Elliptical Instability. Science Advances, 6, 9. doi:10.1126/sciadv.aaz2717. Publisher's Version
The essence of turbulent flow is the conveyance of energy through the formation, interaction, and destruction of eddies over a wide range of spatial scales-from the largest scales where energy is injected down to the smallest scales where it is dissipated through viscosity. Currently, there is no mechanistic framework that captures how the interactions of vortices drive this cascade. We show that iterations of the elliptical instability, arising from the interactions between counter-rotating vortices, lead to the emergence of turbulence. We demonstrate how the nonlinear development of the elliptical instability generates an ordered array of antiparallel secondary filaments. The secondary filaments mutually interact, leading to the formation of even smaller tertiary filaments. In experiments and simulations, we observe two and three iterations of this cascade, respectively. Our observations indicate that the elliptical instability could be one of the fundamental mechanisms by which the turbulent cascade develops.
Bingrui Xu, Gu, Zhibo , Liu, Wei , Huo, Peng , Zhou, Yueting , Rubinstein, S. M. , Bazant, M. Z. , Zaltzman, B. , Rubinstein, I. , and Deng, Daosheng . 2020. Electro-Osmotic Instability Of Concentration Enrichment In Curved Geometries For An Aqueous Electrolyte. Physical Review Fluids, 5, 9. doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.5.091701.
We report that an electro-osmotic instability of concentration enrichment in curved geometries for an aqueous electrolyte, as opposed to the well-known one, is initiated exclusively at the enriched interface (anode), rather than at the depleted one (cathode). For this instability, the limitation of an unrealistically high material Peclet number in planar geometry is eliminated by the strong electric field arising from the line charge singularity. In a model setup of concentric circular electrodes, we show by stability analysis, numerical simulation, and experimental visualization that instability occurs at the inner anode, below a critical radius of curvature. The stability criterion is also formulated in terms of a critical electric field and extended to arbitrary (two-dimensional) geometries by conformal mapping. This discovery suggests that transport may be enhanced in processes limited by salt enrichment, such as reverse osmosis, by triggering this instability with needlelike electrodes.